Sunday, October 21, 2012

006 NAYO Makeup Tutorial!!★゚★゚

Although there has been happenings, I have not had motivation to talk....
Honestly, I still do not feel like it. (´_`。)(笑)
My hair faded from the pink to blonde again~(´ω`)

But, yesterday I did a photo make up tutorial! !

The inspiration of the makeup was YOHIO(Gt. Seremedy; solo) "REACH the SKY" album jacket look.♪
It was a bit modified to my tastes though.(´∀`)
I never did a photo tutorial like this, so hopefully it isn`t awkwardly placed?

Okay, start! ! (σ・∀・)σ

 ☆☆Click image to expand☆☆
Although it is based off a visual kei make up style, it can be put towards gyaru also.
Bottom lashes would enhance the look, but I do not wear bottom lashes. I just wear mascara on real bottom eyelashes.
Oh, and if wondering, the circle lenses are Geo Xtra Bella Brown! 

Completed look!!!!!☆

Does it look okay? Similar to "REACH the SKY" YOHIO? I also did twintails. ヽ(;´ω`)ノ
I didn`t bring any visual clothing to university with me, so styling, haha. orz"

Well.......That`s all!
Maybe I will eventually talk about stuff, maybe I will forget before that happens. I have the memory of a goldfish! (;´▽`)ゞ

- - Ja,  Nayo☆彡